2002 GAOC Annual Meeting Minutes President Bob Domine called the meeting to order 6/27/02 at 7:45pm at the Ramada Inn, Stockbridge and welcomed everyone. Secretary's report. We have a quorum with 14 voting members plus the President. Robin Shannonhouse read a summary of Linda Domine's 2001 minutes. Treasurer's report. Steve Shannonhouse presented his Treasurer's Report (attached) and answered questions. VP reports:
GNC2003/Interscholastics. Laurie Searle referred to her report before the meeting started. We will be using a new fee structure, including all discounts and a t-shirt in the basic entry fee in order to minimize hassle. We are closing entries at 600 and she has all major jobs staffed. Proposals:
Election of Officers. Bob Domine was unanimously reelected President. Presidential Appointments. 1. Bob Domine created a new VP of South Georgia Operations and appointed Kevin Haywood to the position. 2. Bob Domine reappointed all current VP's to another year. 3. Bob Domine split the VP Scouts position into 2 VP's. Frank Mills will continue as VP Boy Scouts and Jeane Campbell will be VP Girl Scouts. New Business: Bill Farrell spoke on the importance of maintain park access, especially in relation to the recent difficulty with losing access to Arabia Mtn and Piedmont NWR due to new gov't regulations. Robin Shannonhouse reported on her trip to the Texas Junior Orienteering Camp and asked for opinions on how those working with the GAOC Junior Training Camp would like to see its future operations. The meeting was adjourned. 11pm. Respectfully submitted Attachments: 2001 GAOC Treasurer's Report ********************** GAOC 2001 Treasurer's Report INCOME GNC01 Income 7,184.00 45.59% TOTAL INCOME 15,756.36 100.00% EXPENSES Bank charges 2.80 0.02% TOTAL EXPENSES 12,539.19 100.00% NET PROFIT 3,217.17 100.00% |