2002 GAOC Annual Meeting Minutes

President Bob Domine called the meeting to order 6/27/02 at 7:45pm at the Ramada Inn, Stockbridge and welcomed everyone.

Secretary's report. We have a quorum with 14 voting members plus the President. Robin Shannonhouse read a summary of Linda Domine's 2001 minutes.

Treasurer's report. Steve Shannonhouse presented his Treasurer's Report (attached) and answered questions.

VP reports:


VP Juniors. Frank Campbell reported that he expected an increase in junior members due the the upcoming Interscholastics and that many schools were taking advantage of our permanent courses for training.


VP Equipment. Bill Farrell reported that he is repairing leaks in the clubhouse roof and asked meet directors to be sure to take full kits when picking up supplies and to return them packed dry and neatly, leaving him a note as to what supplies are needed.


VP Maps. Sam Smith reported the the Sweetwater map has been updated for the Interscholastics, and the Cochran Mill and Joe Kurz maps have been updated as well. He described the Duke's Creek area he is mapping for the 2004 Convention events and passed around overview maps. There was discussion on future mapping project with suggestions from members.


VP Volunteers. Linda Domine thanked everyone for the work they've done over the past year and for helping train new volunteers.


VP Park Relations. Ron Tansill reported that park relations are currently very good. Red Top Mtn has been very happy with the success of the new permanent course there.


VP Website. Laurie Searle reported increasing hits on the website and that we now have a registered domain name. Proposals on the website later in meeting.

bulletVP Scouts. Bob Domine reported on behalf of Frank Mills that he is working to coordinate volunteer training between Scouts and Orienteers.

GNC2003/Interscholastics. Laurie Searle referred to her report before the meeting started. We will be using a new fee structure, including all discounts and a t-shirt in the basic entry fee in order to minimize hassle. We are closing entries at 600 and she has all major jobs staffed.


Motion: Laurie Searle moved GAOC subscribe to paid web hosting.
Second by Steve Shannonhouse.
Laurie gave background that we needed more capabilities than free service provides.

Vote: 12 Yes - 0 No - 2 Abstentions. Motion passed.

Motion: Laurie Searle moved GAOC offer Junior scholarships at the Interscholastics/GNC2003 to attend the 2004 Convention.
Second by Liz Curcuru.

Laurie asked a committee be appointed to set the criteria and that she has budgeted up to ten $200 scholarships in the meet budget.

Discussion/questions. Vote: 14 Yes - 0 No - 0 Abstentions. Motion passed.

Bob Domine appointed an ad hoc committee to set criteria.
Junior Scholarship Committee:

bulletFrank Campbell, chairman
bulletLiz Curcuru
bulletBill Farrell
bulletZack Saunders
bulletOthers TBD
Motion: Laurie Searle moved GAOC donate a $500 gift to Friends of Sweetwater Creek State Park.
Second by Sam Smith.

Laurie asked for donation in return for all the Friends have done to aid GAOC in our events.

Vote: 14 Yes - 0 No - 0 Abstentions. Motion passed.

Motion: Laurie Searle moved GAOC host the 2004 USOF Convention. Events at Duke's Creek/Smithgall Woods between Cleveland and Helen, accommodations and meetings at Truitt-McConnell College in Cleveland.

Vote: 14 Yes - 0 No - 0 Abstentions. Motion passed.

Motion: Bob Domine on behalf of Amy Williams to change the permanent course at Sweetwater was determined unneeded as Amy, as VP Trim, has the authority to do it on her own.
Motion: Bob Domine moved that the GAOC newsletter be made available in electronic format.
Second by Linda Domine.

After discussion, the motion was amended to the GAOC newsletter by made available in PDF format on the GAOC website to all. Members who specifically request a paper copy and those on the permanent mailing list (other clubs and park rangers) will continue to receive it by mail. Regular mailings will be reduced to the annual event schedule and a postcard announcing the annual general meeting.

Vote: 13 Yes - 0 No - 1 Abstention. Motion passed.

The change and need for requesting paper copies will be announced in August newsletter prior to change occurring.

Proposal by Bob Domine to change the GAOC Bylaws to allow electronic notification of the annual general meeting was withdrawn in favor of the passed motion.

Election of Officers. Bob Domine was unanimously reelected President.

Presidential Appointments.

1. Bob Domine created a new VP of South Georgia Operations and appointed Kevin Haywood to the position.

2. Bob Domine reappointed all current VP's to another year.

3. Bob Domine split the VP Scouts position into 2 VP's. Frank Mills will continue as VP Boy Scouts and Jeane Campbell will be VP Girl Scouts.

New Business:

Bill Farrell spoke on the importance of maintain park access, especially in relation to the recent difficulty with losing access to Arabia Mtn and Piedmont NWR due to new gov't regulations.

Robin Shannonhouse reported on her trip to the Texas Junior Orienteering Camp and asked for opinions on how those working with the GAOC Junior Training Camp would like to see its future operations.

The meeting was adjourned. 11pm.

Respectfully submitted
Robin Shannonhouse
GAOC Secretary

Attachments: 2001 GAOC Treasurer's Report


GAOC 2001 Treasurer's Report
01/01/01 Through 12/31/01
01/01/01- %
Category Description 12/31/01 of Total


GNC01 Income 7,184.00 45.59%
GNC02 Income 585.00 3.71%
Interest Income 229.11 1.45%
Local Event fees 6,512.75 41.33%
Membership Dues 1,237.50 7.85%
T-shirts 8.00 0.05%

TOTAL INCOME 15,756.36 100.00%


Bank charges 2.80 0.02%
Dues & Charter 621.25 4.95%
Equipment 1,485.60 11.85%
GNC01 Expense 5,702.07 45.47%
GNC02 Expense 1,063.73 8.48%
Mapping Expense 1,372.18 10.94%
Meet Supplies - Local 552.35 4.40%
Newsletter 534.82 4.27%
Office Supplies & Postage 366.09 2.92%
Park Fees 678.30 5.41%
USARDF02 Expense 160.00 1.28%
Uncategorized Expenses 0.00 0%

TOTAL EXPENSES 12,539.19 100.00%

NET PROFIT 3,217.17 100.00%