GAOC is excited to offer four days of orienteering:
Friday, Jan 17th, a Middle distance competition. This will be a one-day stand-alone event at Red Top Mountain State Park.
Saturday and Sunday, Jan 18th and 19th, a 2-Day Classic competition event. This combined time event, the OUSA Masters Championship, takes place
at Sweetwater Creek State Park using a newly field checked and updated map. Sweetwater Creek SP was last used for a NRE event in 2014.
Contactless SIAC punching is available on all courses, all classes. See Mixed Punching
On Monday, Jan 20th, the Mal Harding Extreme-O will also be at Sweetwater Creek State Park.
Pre-registration is required for all events.
OUSA Team members run for free!
GAOC is waiving entry fees for all OUSA Team members